

  1. overview

1.1 [Purpose] This specification is formulated in order to strengthen the management of the live broadcast behavior of merchants on the Zhinong Science and Technology Service platform, maintain the order of platform operations, and improve user experience.

1.2 [Scope of application] This specification applies to the live broadcast activities and consequences of merchants publishing content and promoting information on the Zhinong Science and Technology Service platform.

1.3 [Efficacy level] This specification is an effective supplement to the "Live Streaming Service Agreement of Zhinong Science and Technology Service Merchants" (hereinafter referred to as "Live Streaming Agreement"). If there are special provisions in this specification, the provisions of this specification shall prevail. Matters not involved in this specification , the relevant provisions of the live broadcast agreement apply.

  1. Entry and Exit

2.1 Merchants who open the live broadcast function of the Zhinong Science and Technology Service Platform should meet the following conditions:

2.1.1 The status of the live broadcast store and its associated stores is normal, and there is no violation record;

2.1.2 Zhinong Kefu has the right to determine the category of the store based on factors such as the store's operating conditions, historical transactions, and product sales.

2.2 If any of the following situations occurs after the merchant activates the live broadcast function of the Zhinong Science and Technology Service platform, Zhinong Science and Technology Service has the right to close the live broadcast permission of its store:

2.2.1 The merchant no longer meets the access conditions stipulated in this specification;

2.2.2 The business violates national laws and regulations during the live broadcast;

2.2.3 The merchant's violation score reaches the standard for shutting down the live broadcast permission stipulated in this specification.

3. Types of violations and handling measures   

3.1 Live broadcast violations are divided into Type A violations and Type B violations, which are scored independently, accumulated and executed separately.

3.1.1 Category A violations refer to violations other than category B violations.

3.1.2 Type B violations refer to acts that violate national laws and regulations or seriously disrupt the order of platform operations.

3.2 Type A violations and Type B violations are divided into minor, general, serious and particularly serious according to the severity of the violation.

3.3 Zhinong Kefu has the right to judge the type of violation and the severity of the violation according to the specific violation of the merchant, and make corresponding points. The scoring criteria for each violation type and corresponding circumstances are as follows:

Circumstances of violation Class A Violation Scoring Standard Class B Violation Scoring Standard
slight 3-17 6-17
generally 18-23 18-35
serious 24-47 36-95
particularly serious ≥48 ≥96
Note: The specific scoring value of each violation is subject to the actual identification of Zhinong Kefu.



3.4.2  商家违规记分累计达到一定分值的,直农科服有权按照下表规定采取进一步处理措施。

违规类型 累计违规记分 处理措施
A类违规 12分 关闭直播功能1日
18分 关闭直播功能3日
24分 关闭直播功能7日
36分 关闭直播功能15日
48分 关闭直播功能30日
B类违规 12分 关闭直播功能1日
18分 关闭直播功能3日
24分 关闭直播功能7日
36分 关闭直播功能15日
48分 关闭直播功能30日
96分 永久关闭直播权限

3.4.3 直农科服根据违规情节轻重认为有必要采取的其他措施。如主播首次、非故意或轻微违规等,且未违反法律法规规定的,直农科服有权采取减免、从轻、教育引导等替代性处理措施;如主播多次、多项违规,或对其他主播、用户、平台造成恶劣影响的,直农科服有权采取从重、加重等处理措施。

3.5 违规记分清零

3.5.1 A类违规记分在每年12月31日23时59分59秒(以直农科服实际记分时间为准,下同)清零。

3.5.2 B类违规记分每两个自然年清零一次,清零时间为第二年12月31日23时59分59秒,但在该两个自然年内累计记分达到96分及以上的,记分不再清零。

3.5.3 记分清零时,正在执行的违规处理措施不因记分清零而撤销。

3.6 商家直播结束后,平台仍有权根据自行发现或受理举报的违规线索,对违规商家/主播采取相应处理措施。



4.1.1 反对宪法确定的基本原则的;危害国家安全、泄露国家秘密、煽动分裂国家、颠覆国家政权、推翻社会主义制度、危害国家统一、主权和领土完整的;煽动抗拒、破坏宪法和法律、行政法规实施,或损害国家机关信誉的;

4.1.2 不当展示、引用或损害国家、民族及国家领导人形象,包括但不限于在不适宜场所不当展示或使用国家或民族形象标志物的;歪曲党和国家领导人讲话内容及语意语态的;模仿党和国家领导人形象的;

4.1.3 调侃、妄议国家重大方针政策,炒作政治敏感话题;

4.1.4 损害国家荣誉和利益,不当展示或损害英雄烈士形象,歪曲、丑化、调侃、亵渎、否定革命领袖、英雄烈士事迹和精神的;贬损恶搞国家和民族的形象、精神和气质的;

4.1.5 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结;侵害民族风俗、习惯的或损害民族优秀文化传统;调侃、伤害民族和地域感情、破坏安定团结的;违反国家民族政策法规的;

4.1.6 宣扬法西斯主义、极端民族主义、种族主义、殖民主义、恐怖主义的;

4.1.7  违背国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教及宗教极端主义;过度展示和宣扬宗教教义、教规、仪式内容的;

4.1.8 违背科学精神,宣传封建迷信的,如占卜、算命、看风水等;

4.1.9 散步谣言,打架斗殴,传播非法集会、结社、游行、示威、聚众扰乱社会秩序信息;

4.1.10 宣扬赌博、吸毒、传销,渲染暴力、惊悚犯罪现场,诱导、教唆违法犯罪或传授犯罪方法的;

4.1.11 使用或变相使用权威机构/人士的名义或形象,包括但不限于使用或变相使用国家机关、国家机关工作人员的名义或者形象,或者利用科研单位、学术机构、技术推广机构、行业协会或者专业人士、用户的名义或者形象作推荐、证明;

4.1.12 其他危害国家安全、破坏民族团结与社会稳定的情形。

4.2 传播淫秽低俗信息

4.2.1 直播中裸体,展露性征器官,具体描述、展示性行为;

4.2.2 涉嫌色情推广,包括但不限于宣传色情网站、卖淫、嫖娼信息;

4.2.3 以成人电影、情色电影被审核删减内容的电影“完整版”“未删减版”“未删节版”“被删片段”“汇集版”等作为标题、内容的;

4.2.4 宣扬性癖好、模拟色情声音、模仿涉性动作等涉嫌打擦边球的低俗互动行为;

4.2.5 着装不当,穿着带有性暗示的衣服或仅用肢体掩盖或用很小的遮盖物掩盖人体隐秘部位及衣着过分暴露的,包括但不限于女性刻意裸露乳沟或其他身体敏感部位、展示真空、凸点、穿着低胸装、透视装,男性赤裸上身、服装反串、或穿着过度突出身体敏感部位等;

4.2.6 言语不当,使用粗俗淫秽语言,展示恶俗行为,包括但不限于讲解两性技巧描述性行为、讲黄色笑话、低俗段子或宣传语存在低俗色情意味;

4.2.7 行为不当,包括但不限于带有性暗示的才艺展示、抖胸挤胸、抖臀、诱惑性扭动身体、舔嘴唇、舔手指、抚摸敏感部位、模仿性交姿势、俯拍/偷窥等视角刻意展示聚焦或抓摸性敏感部位等易引发性联想的动作。

4.2.8 场所不当,包括但不限于夜店、推拿按摩店、成人用品店等。

4.2.9 直播中展示露点或大尺度画作/雕塑/图片、涉性物品及其他不雅信息。

4.2.10 直播中哺乳、暴露未成年人身体性征敏感部位等。

4.2.11 其他传播淫秽低俗信息的情形。

4.3 侵犯他人合法权益

4.3.1 直播中损害他人名誉、荣誉,或公开他人隐私等;

4.3.2 直播账号名称、昵称、头像、图片等冒用他人身份,侵犯他人合法权利;

4.3.3 直播内容涉嫌抄袭他人作品,或者存在其他侵犯他人商标权、专利权、著作权、商业秘密等知识产权以及肖像权等合法权益的情形;

4.3.4 直播推广涉嫌出售假冒注册商标商品、盗版商品,或者存在为出售假冒注册商标、盗版商品提供帮助、便利条件等内容的信息;

4.3.5 未经直农科服或其他品牌方授权,使用直农科服或其他品牌方的名义进行直播活动;

4.3.6 其他侵犯他人合法权益的情形。

4.4 扰乱市场秩序

4.4.1 发布外部网站或商品信息、宣传、推广引导用户至其他平台,包括但不限于发布社交、直播、短视频、导购、团购、促销、购物平台等外部网站或APP的名称、超链接、二维码、LOGO、第三方平台账号等信息;

4.4.2 提供联系/交易账号,包括但不限于电话号码、微信号、支付宝、银行卡、第三方平台账号等信息,引导消费者进行站外交易;

4.4.3 直接或间接地以不正当的方式或手段破坏其他创作者正常推广秩序,包括但不限于通过数据造假获取流量等利益的行为;

4.4.4 商家未按照直农科服平台规定或者向用户做出的承诺提供相应的服务,损害用户权益的;

4.4.5 违反诚实信用、公平交易原则,如违反广告法等相关规定,存在描述不符、虚假夸大宣传等情形,涉嫌欺诈等侵害用户或其他商家合法权益的;

4.4.6 虚假信息引流,包括但不限于低价引流、刷单、粉丝量、关注量、点赞量等数据造假;向直农科服提供虚假证明材料,包括但不限于在入驻申请、活动报名、违规申诉等环节;

4.4.7 规避平台规则或利用平台规则漏洞谋取不正当利益,散步与本平台相关的不实恶意信息,侵害平台权益,或者直播内容可能给平台带来舆论风险的;

4.4.8 其他扰乱市场秩序的行为。

4.5 违反公序良俗

4.5.1 发表不恰当言论,散步未经证实的信息和谣言,美化违法失德负面人物,利用时事热点恶意炒作,鼓动用户讨论是非、挑起事端,宣扬人群歧视、地域歧视等;

4.5.2 直播内容或言行对未成年人有不良影响,或侵害未成年人合法权益的,不利于未成年人身心健康的内容,例如涉及开车、抽烟喝酒、纹身刺青、侮辱谩骂、千术赌术、高危表演、猎奇恐怖、血腥暴力或教唆犯罪等 内容;

4.5.3 传播低级趣味、有伤社会风化、宣扬不健康的低俗恶搞内容等;

4.5.4 宣扬社会不提倡的消极观念,或是不符合社会主流价值观等信息;

4.5.5 其他传播不良价值、传递不良导向内容、扰乱社会和经济秩序,破坏社会稳定等有违公序良俗的行为。

4.6 影响用户体验

4.6.1 直播内容及画面严重卡顿、模糊、尺寸过小、没有声音、声画不同步、过度使用滤镜导致直播内容主体严重变形等声画质量不佳,影响用户观看体验;

4.6.2 长时间空置镜头、挂机、播放录像、无交流互动等直播质量不佳、活跃度偏低等情形,影响用户互动体验;

4.6.3 产品展示不清、关键信息及主体内容被遮挡等,影响用户购物体验;

4.6.4 其他影响用户体验的情形。

5 附则

5.1 除非另有特别说明,本规范用语的含义应当与其在直播协议中的含义一致。

5.2 本规则于2022年3月1日发布生效。



                     违规行为 轻微 一般 严重 特别严重


1. 反对宪法确定的基本原则的;危害国家安全、泄露国家秘密、煽动分裂国家、颠覆国家政权、推翻社会主义制度、危害国家统一、主权和领土完整的;煽动抗拒、破坏宪法和法律、行政法规 实施、或损害国家机关信誉的;

2. 不当展示、引用或损害国家、民族及国家领导人形象,包括但不限于在不适宜场所不当展示或使用国家或民族形象标志物的;歪曲党和国家领导人讲话内容及语意语态的;模仿党和国家领导人形象的;

3. 调侃、妄议国家重大方针政策,炒作政治敏感话题;

4. 损害国家荣誉和利益,不当展示或损害英雄烈士形象,歪曲、丑化、调侃、亵渎、否定革命领袖、英雄烈士事迹和精神的;贬损恶搞国家和民族的形象、精神和气质的;

5. 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结;侵害民族风俗、习惯的或损害民族优秀文化传统;调侃、伤害民族和地域感情、破坏安定团结的;违反国家民族政策法规的;

6. 宣扬法西斯主义、极端民族主义、种族主义、殖民主义、恐怖主义的;



B6 B18 B36 B96
9. 违背科学精神,宣传封建迷信的,如占卜、算命、看风水等;

10. Spreading rumors, fighting, spreading information about illegal assemblies, associations, processions, demonstrations, and gathering crowds to disrupt social order;

11. Promoting gambling, drug abuse, pyramid schemes, exaggerating violence, thrilling crime scenes, inducing, abetting crimes or teaching criminal methods;

12. Use or disguised use of the name or image of an authoritative institution/person, including but not limited to the use or disguised use of the name or image of a state agency or staff of a state agency, or the use of scientific research units, academic institutions, technology promotion agencies, industry associations or Recommendations and proofs in the name or image of professionals and users;


A3 A18 B36 B96
Dissemination of obscene and vulgar information 1. Nudity, display of sexual organs, specific description and display of sexual behavior during the live broadcast;

2. Suspected of pornographic promotion, including but not limited to promoting pornographic websites, prostitution, whoring information;

3. Using "full version", "unabridged version", "unabridged version", "deleted fragments" and "compiled version" of adult movies and erotic movies whose content has been reviewed and deleted as the title and content;

4. Promoting sexual hobbies, simulating pornographic voices, imitating sexual movements and other vulgar interactive behaviors suspected of playing around the edges;

5. Improper attire, wearing sexually suggestive clothes or covering only body parts or using very small coverings to cover hidden parts of the body and excessively revealing clothing, including but not limited to women deliberately exposing cleavage or other sensitive parts of the body, showing a vacuum , protruding points, wearing low-cut clothing, see-through clothing, male topless, clothing reversed, or excessively highlighting sensitive parts of the body, etc.;

6. Inappropriate language, using vulgar and obscene language, displaying vulgar behaviors, including but not limited to explaining gender skills and describing sexual behaviors, telling pornographic jokes, vulgar jokes or slogans with vulgar pornographic meaning;

7. Improper behavior, including but not limited to talent shows with sexual implications, breast shaking, butt shaking, seductive body twisting, lip licking, finger licking, touching sensitive parts, imitating sexual positions, overhead shooting/peeping, etc. The angle of view deliberately shows actions that are prone to sexual associations such as focusing or grasping sexually sensitive parts.

8. Improper venues, including but not limited to nightclubs, massage parlors, adult product stores, etc.

9. Display dew point or large-scale paintings/sculptures/pictures, sexual items and other indecent information during the live broadcast.

10. Breastfeeding or exposing sensitive parts of minors' physical characteristics during the live broadcast.

11. Other situations of spreading obscene and vulgar information.

A3 A18 B36 B96
infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others 1. Damage the reputation and honor of others, or disclose the privacy of others during the live broadcast;

2. The name, nickname, avatar, picture, etc. of the live broadcast account impersonate the identity of others and infringe upon the legal rights of others;

3. The live broadcast content is suspected of plagiarizing other people's works, or there are other situations that infringe other people's trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights and portrait rights and other legitimate rights and interests;

4. Live broadcast promotion suspected of selling counterfeit registered trademarks or pirated goods, or information that provides assistance or convenience for the sale of counterfeit registered trademarks or pirated goods;

5. Use the name of Zhinong Kefu or other brand parties to conduct live broadcast activities without the authorization of Zhinong Kefu or other brand parties;

6. Other situations that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others.

A3 A18 B36 B96
disrupt market order 1. Publish external websites or product information, publicity, and promotion to guide users to other platforms, including but not limited to posting names, hyperlinks, secondary QR code, LOGO, third-party platform account number and other information;

2. Provide contact/transaction account numbers, including but not limited to phone numbers, WeChat IDs, Alipay, bank cards, third-party platform accounts, and other information, to guide consumers to conduct off-site transactions;

3. Directly or indirectly disrupting the normal promotion order of other creators in improper ways or means, including but not limited to obtaining traffic and other benefits through data falsification;

4. The merchant fails to provide corresponding services in accordance with the regulations of the Zhinong Science and Technology Service Platform or the promise made to the user, and damages the rights and interests of the user;

5. Violating the principles of good faith and fair trade, such as violating relevant regulations such as the Advertising Law, having inconsistent descriptions, false and exaggerated publicity, etc., suspected of fraud, etc. infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of users or other businesses;

6. False information drainage, including but not limited to low-price drainage, swiping orders, number of followers, attention, likes and other data falsification; providing false certification materials to Zhinong Kefu, including but not limited to application for entry and event registration , Violation complaints and other links;

7. Other behaviors that disrupt market order;

A3 A18 B36 B96
8. Circumventing platform rules or exploiting loopholes in platform rules to seek illegitimate interests, spreading false and malicious information related to this platform, infringing on the rights and interests of the platform, or live broadcast content that may bring public opinion risks to the platform; / / B36 B96
violation of public order and morals 1. Publish inappropriate remarks, spread unverified information and rumors, beautify illegal and unethical negative figures, use current affairs hot spots to maliciously hype, encourage users to discuss right and wrong, stir up troubles, and promote crowd discrimination and regional discrimination;

2. Live broadcast content or words and deeds that have a negative impact on minors, or infringe on the legal rights and interests of minors, and are not conducive to the physical and mental health of minors, such as driving, smoking and drinking, tattoos, insults, and gambling , high-risk performances, novelty hunting, bloody violence, or abetting crimes;

3. Spread vulgar and spoof content that is vulgar, harmful to social morality, or unhealthy;

4. Promote negative ideas that are not advocated by the society, or information that does not conform to the mainstream values ​​of society;

5. Other behaviors that violate public order and good customs such as disseminating bad values, delivering badly oriented content, disrupting social and economic order, and undermining social stability.


A3 A18 A24 A48
affect user experience 1. The live broadcast content and picture are severely stuck, blurred, too small in size, no sound, sound and picture are out of sync, excessive use of filters leads to severe deformation of the main body of the live broadcast content, etc. The quality of sound and picture is not good, which affects the viewing experience of users;

2. Poor live broadcast quality and low activity, such as long-term vacant camera, hanging up, playing video, no communication and interaction, etc., affect the user interaction experience;

3. The product display is unclear, key information and main content are blocked, etc., which affect the user's shopping experience;

4. Other situations that affect user experience.

A3 / / B96<


Note: 1. Minor, general, serious and particularly serious situations of each of the above violations will be judged by Zhinong Kefu according to the specific circumstances;

2. Zhinong Kefu has the right to take corresponding measures to deal with other violations of the merchants in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the "Zinong Kefu Merchant Live Streaming Service Agreement".

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